Thursday, December 13, 2018

Bridging the Gap Between Science and Government

The Chronicle of Higher Education
Julia Piper
December 9, 2018

Research universities rely on government agencies for funding, but the latest word on those agencies’ science policies doesn’t reach campuses instantly. That’s why a few universities have created senior leadership roles dedicated to communicating between Capitol Hill and campus research laboratories. "You can’t really have a loud bell go off and have everybody change their behavior across the country" in response to new policy directions, says Keith Yamamoto, who three years ago became the University of California at San Francisco’s first vice chancellor for science policy and strategy.

His job faces both outward and inward, he says. "The outward-facing is to make our voice heard in Washington and other circles where science policy is set and shaped." The inward-facing part "is to be able to help craft policies on the campus that best move us toward our mission and goals."