Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Damning Revelations Prompt Social Science to Rethink Its Ties to the Military

The Chronicle of Higher Education
July 15, 2015

Subject. Patron. Source. Siren.
For social scientists, the state can play many roles. As long as researchers have studied humanity and the systems we create, they have struggled to define their relationship with power. And in the United States, since World War II, that tension has centered especially on the military and its spy agencies.
The dangers of that relationship came into high relief late last week, with the release of a report detailing how the American Psychological Association, a century-old scholarly group, had colluded with the U.S. military to shield practitioners of torture a decade ago. The report painted a small group of leaders as beholden to its military patrons, eager to "curry favor," whatever the long-term cost.

Monday, July 6, 2015

What are the Chances of Getting Funded?

National Institutes of Health's Extramural Nexus
Dr. Sally Rockey
June 29, 2015

What are the chances of getting funded? We frequently talk about the different ways of analyzing NIH funding. Let's revisit the topic so I can provide you with the latest numbers.