Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Research into critical national issues at forefront of NSF's FY2017 budget request

National Science Foundation (NSF)
Press Release 16-013
February 9, 2016

National Science Foundation (NSF) Director France A. Córdova today outlined how President Obama's fiscal year (FY) 2017 request for NSF supports research into critical national issues, including clean energy technologies, food sustainability, disaster response and education. The FY2017 budget requests $8 billion, an increase of about 6.7 percent, or about $500 million, over the enacted FY2016 budget.

"This budget proposes priorities that count on robust funding. It allows NSF to remain one of the country’s leaders in funding research, development and -- most importantly -- the people who are our innovators and discoverers," Córdova said.