Tuesday, February 19, 2019

NIH: Submit Your Input on a Revised Behavioral and Social Sciences Research Definition by February 22

Notice number NOT-OD-19-032
February 19, 2019

NIH's Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR) has issued a Request for Information intended to gather broad public input on a revised definition of behavioral and social sciences research. The definition, originally developed in 1996 and updated periodically since then, is available on the OBSSR website. The field has evolved significantly during the last two decades, and a more extensive update of the definition is needed to improve the way funding is monitored and assessed.

The OBSSR invites input from behavioral and social science researchers in academia and industry, health care professionals, patient advocates and advocacy organizations, scientific or professional organizations, federal agencies, and other interested members of the public.

To ensure consideration, input must be submitted at https://obssr.ideascale.com by February 22, 2019.