Welcome to Working Papers of the Week! In this new RAO Blog
feature, we’ll be posting information about the working papers posted to our
site over the past week. Our goal is to highlight the valuable and interesting
research Kennedy School faculty members are doing here and abroad.
This week in working papers:
Economic Valuation of the National Park Service Lands and Programs: Results of
a Survey of The American Public
Introduction: "This paper presents the first-ever
comprehensive estimate of the total economic value of the National Parks
Service. The estimate covers administered lands, waters, and historic sites as
well as NPS programs, which include protection of natural landmarks and
historic sites, partnerships with local communities, recreational activities
and educational programs. Our estimate of the total economic value to the
American public is $92 billion. Two-thirds of this total ($62 billion) is for
National Park lands, waters and historic sites; the remaining $30 billion is
attributed to NPS Programs. The estimate, which is based on very conservative
assumptions, includes not only the value attributed by visitors to the parks,
but also a significant “non-use” or “existence” value. This is the value
derived by the public from simply knowing that NPS assets are protected for current
and future generations, regardless of whether or not they actually choose to
To read the
full working paper, click here.